We just finished holding a three-day event that we called an Evangelism Conference and Preaching Academy. It was held in Dallas, and the response to it was fantastic. Particularly exciting is the response to the preaching part of this event. We had two of the best-known preachers in the country who spoke to us about preaching, John Ed Mathison and Jim Moore. We also had the associate pastor at First Church Arlington, Estee Valendy, a 28-year-old clergy in her beginning years of preaching, who spoke to us about preaching to the younger generation. Alyce McKenzie of Perkins School of Theology, Bill Lawrence, and David Mosser spoke about preaching today in a variety of ways. We held panel discussions and had numerous workshops. One of the really helpful aspects was a workshop with noted speech and drama teacher, Diane Stamper, who really provided coaching. The response by the participants was fantastic, and the evaluations showed how helpful this was.
I want to do it again, and I’d like your ideas. We’re currently working on getting a brand new, redesigned website up and running, so check back with us soon here and let’s dialogue about what is needed to help all of us to do a better job of preaching in this highly secular world. Even better, let us know on our Facebook page or email me.