We just finished holding a Creativity Conference in Orlando;
it’s the sixth time we’ve done this conference. We do it in partnership with a
group of very committed Christian Disney employees, creative pastors, and
church leaders. It is a very helpful event. You can visit our our website to
read some of the conference evaluations.
I studied the Disney Company extensively over the years and
certainly all of us are impressed with the creativity of Disney World and the
Disney movies. So much of our culture has been influenced by the excellent
entertainment, experiences and stories. Disney has influenced the world’s culture
in some very positive ways. In the midst of all the excitement of Disney
productions, movies, and stories it’s easy to miss one of the most significant contributions
of this organization in our society.
That is - simple effectiveness.
The church needs to realize that our purpose is to be effective.
- We need to lead worship that is effective in leading people to the presence of God.
- We need to provide education that really works in teaching children values to live by.
- We need to provide an understanding of prayer in a way that can be effectively used in people’s daily lives.
- We need to be an effective church, an excellent church.
In studying Disney I’ve realized that Disney is effective because of their clear goals, high standards, rules, and disciplines. For instance, if you work at the Disney theme park as an employee (a.k.a.“cast member”), whether you’re in a good mood or a bad mood you’re required by Disney to perform at your best and to present a mood that serves your customers and accomplishes the goal.
As a pastor, many times I would excuse a poor job in
preaching, neglected pastoral care responsibility, or a failed church program
on the lack of dedication of my church members, the bad mood I was in, or the
family issue with which I was dealing. Disney expects their employee to put
those things aside and do their best to accomplish the goal. Working for Jesus
ought to be as important as working for Disney. It should demand our complete
loyalty, our willingness to put aside our own cares and problems with the
determination to do the best we can for His church.
Effectiveness has to do with discipline, loyalty, clear
goals, and the desire to do things right. After being around Disney employees,
I am impressed with their loyalty and determination to be effective. Sometimes
I am ashamed that I have not been as loyal and determined in working
with Jesus as they seem to be working for Disney. Effectiveness is our goal.