and as church leaders, must have a major concern about making new disciples for Christ and building His Church. The tragedy is so many churches that have had good Singles Ministry in the past are shutting down them down. What was once a thriving ministry is now dying and the overall Church is declining rapidly in most denominations, all over the country. The answer as to “why” this is happening may lie in how we are doing Singles Ministry.
There are many solutions being offered, but not all work. I believe that the solution that works best is to do needs-based ministry. When we help others, they come to know Christ. The secular society in which we live today cannot be reached by using condemning methods or simply by preaching to them, nor by just inviting them to church. We must reach people by helping where there are hurts and needs. I have found in my ministry, this “needs-based” approach works so successfully.
For example, if you hold a cancer support group, a young mother’s club, or a widow and widowers fellowship at your church, you can integrate those groups into the life of your church. People from those outreach groups will start attending, becoming involved in the church and finding Christ in their lives.
It is time for us to begin new and vital ministries to singles, particularly to those who have gone through the hurtful struggle of divorce. Half of all marriages are ending in divorce. It is painful for everyone involved, not just for the couple divorcing, but their friends and family, too. It is such a major need.
Ministering to the needs of those going through divorce is a significant way to not only help the hurting but also to lead people to Christ. I have found it works over and over again. If you put together a divorce adjustment or ministry program it will lead people to your church and to Christ. In over thirty years of doing successful ministry, I have found that if twenty-five people come to your workshop or your class, half of them will become active in your church and make or remake a commitment to Christ within six months of the participating in the class. We have reached, literally, thousands of people with this Christ-centered model of ministry.
Jesus told us to be like the Good Samaritan. In Matthew 25, He told us to help those who are in need. One of the biggest needs in American culture today is ministry to people going through divorce. If you want to know how to do Singles Ministry in a way that works, I will be glad to teach you. By following my training, your church will grow significantly.
All of us are deeply concerned about the decline of the Church. If you are interested in reaching the over 100 million singles in America* and growing your church for Christ contact me today for more information on receiving effective divorce and singles ministry training. You may also visit online for more details and to find out about any upcoming workshops.
*Data from the US
Census Bureau, 2011 report